At the End of the Shattered Remains of Pure Love - Chapter 6
“The baby in the Crown Princess’s womb is born with the blood of ‘Adam’. The past nine days of rain is a blessing for Adam’s resurrection.”
“Your Majesty. I bless you. It is clear that the extinct blood of the imperial family will be revived.”
The monk blessed him in a deep voice. The Emperor glared at the monk with an unbelieving face.
He was speaking of the resurrection of ‘Adam’.
‘Adam’ referred to those who were the first humans and great prophets, capable of performing miracles that could not be achieved by human power.
The people called such ‘Adams’ ‘superhumans’ or ‘prophets’ and praised them. The founding Emperor of this Riscarlo Empire was also an Adam.
From the ‘Absolute Age’, the beginning of ancient times, to the ‘Age of Warlords’, the last age. Those who performed miracles with mighty power that cannot be experienced now…
The Riscaltheon imperial family were blessed ones who inherited the blood of ancestors who had brilliantly embroidered the five ages of antiquity.
But now… Maximilian’s face hardened.
The current result was the outcome of the ‘Valenbard War’ 100 years ago, where Adams died en masse.
No. The problem was the attitude towards women who could continue Adam’s lineage, that is, ‘Eves’ after the war. Eve referred to women who could continue Adam’s lineage.
If Adam was a different species from humans with overwhelming physical power and superhuman strength, Eve were women who could continue Adam’s blood without defect. In other words, women belonging to the same race as Adam were called Eve. Adam, as superhuman as his power, was inherently unable to continue his lineage with women who were not Eve.
Unlike Eve, who could combine with human men, that is, men who were not Adam, and have children without special defects, Adam could not create children with women who were not Eve.
Like interspecies breeding. Like how the result of forcibly grafting incompatible species was disastrous…
Adam’s children without Eve as a mother were terribly incomplete, like a hotbed of imperfection. Physical disabilities or developmental disorders. Not only were they lacking in abilities, but even as humans, their limbs were not whole.
So it was providence that Adam needed only Eve.
However, after the war, the number of Adams began to decrease dramatically, and after the death of Maximilian’s great-grandfather, Richard II, the bloodline of Adam was severed in the Riscaltheon imperial family.
This was because his Eve and wife, Eleanor, died young without producing an heir. Richard eventually remarried a young lady from a noble family who was not Eve. It was an act that ignored providence. It was the arrogance of the nobles of the time.
A misjudgment that could be made by those who had never had an emperor who was not Adam. They must have thought that God’s blessing would always bless the Riscaltheon imperial family.
So Richard, who lost Eleanor, eventually took an aphrodisiac and entered his new wife’s bedroom. He was an Adam who could only be aroused by an Eve. Moreover, he had even ‘imprinted’ on Eleanor, making it even more impossible to be aroused.
However, he embraced a woman for the sake of an imperial heir, and the child born was an imperfect being as terrible as that dreadful night. The subsequent emperors were the same. They were born with fatal flaws somewhere.
The imperial family belatedly tried to bring in an Eve as a spouse, but originally there were fewer Eves than Adams. Even though they could mate with men who were not Adam.
‘Eve’s blood is passed down only through the maternal line.’
Maximilian recalled a sentence he had read in an ancient book. For a complete Adam to be born, his father had to be an Adam.
However, it didn’t matter if Eve’s father was not Adam. It was fine as long as only her mother was Eve. Because Eve’s bloodline was passed from mother to daughter.
But what if the probability of a daughter being born was very low?
As with breeding with Adam, it was very rare for Eve to give birth to Eve. It was a matter of probability, but generally, Eve gave birth to sons. And that son was an ordinary human, not Adam.
The problem is that once Eve’s blood is severed in this way, it does not continue again. The daughter that Eve’s son had when he grew up was not an Eve.
Given this situation, in all ages and all countries, the most important thing was managing the number of Eves. This led to many tragedies. For example, things like ‘baby farms’…
It’s something that happened more than 200 years ago, but it definitely happened in Riscarlo. Moreover, these were things that had the emperor’s approval.
Things like confining Eves in farms and making them receive an Adam’s seed. Taking away a woman’s freedom to marry and making her sleep with men who were not her husband…
During his soft-hearted days as a prince, he thought it was terrible. But now he thinks it might be something that needs to be done if necessary.
That’s how desperate he was for Adam’s regeneration. But the imperial grandson is an Adam? A ‘complete Adam’ is finally returning to this Riscaltheon imperial family?
The emperor’s face hardened.
Why? His daughter-in-law is not an ‘Eve’. She has a distant ancestor who was an Eve, but if that counts, how many noble families don’t have an Eve as an ancestor?
His heart was pounding. Should he call it fear? Does joy become fear when it’s excessive? He was dazed. After the founding emperor Lesar I, Adam’s bloodline was severed. Naturally, they could not enjoy the miracles that Adam had performed.
The miracles that Adam performs…
He remembered the nights that were as bright as day, lit by glass bottles as bright as if they had captured sunlight.
Maximilian was one of the last survivors who experienced that era. In other words, he was one of the few who remembered the world that was prosperous with Adam’s abilities.
Dragons, which can’t be found a trace of now, flew in the sky when he was a nine-year-old boy. If you say such things to young people now, they look at you as if they were listening to a tale of heroic deeds, but for Maximilian, that era was still a vivid reality.
Dragons that sacrificed Adam’s blood and flesh flew carrying their master knights, and the imperial palace shone brightly with never-extinguishing fires. The dragons slowly died when they could no longer find Adam’s blood to sacrifice.
In those days, he washed with water heated by his great-grandfather’s power, not by the hands of a maid.
The night garden shone with lights he sent flying like seeds, not fireflies, and people enjoyed and savored the miracles that one person could create as if it wasn’t the last time.
Trains, not carriages, carried people, and stations that are no longer used now were always crowded with people.
Is it because the empire declined after his great-grandfather? Maximilian wished for Adam’s regeneration more strongly than others who desired it. But the imperial grandson… His grandson opens the door to that era again?
He opened his lips towards the monk who had kept his long silence.
“Shouldn’t you prepare?”
The monk recited slowly with a faint smile. Maximilian repeated his words.
In fact, there was no need to ponder what those words meant.
The severance of Adam is the result of indiscriminate breeding. Even if someone gives a different reason, he believed so. After the ‘Valenbard War’, because Adams grafted with wenches who were not Eve and couldn’t fully preserve their blood, the current world is cursed. The imperial family was filled with all sorts of hybrids.
Fortunately, he and his son Clodas were simply born as ordinary people, but even his father was born blind and had to live as a cripple for life. What about his grandfather? He was a hideous dwarf. Despite having such a great Adam as a father! Not to mention the distant family lines.
So from now on, discipline had to be restored.
He immediately announced this fact through the Privy Council and declared that he would abdicate to his eldest son.
It was because he couldn’t just let his daughter-in-law sit as the Crown Princess consort when a great child who would rewrite the era had entered her womb. He was so excited that he first thought of making his young daughter-in-law the Empress.
He doesn’t know why such a miracle happened to his daughter-in-law. However, the monk who found him said this:
‘The High Priest says it’s because the Crown Princess has some of the blood of Eleanor, who was the companion of the late Emperor Richard and the last companion of the imperial family. As you know, Eleanor was a descendant of an exceptional woman who could use Adam’s power among Eves, blessed by the god Roham.’
This is also an ancient story, but Eleanor’s bloodline was quite unique among Eves. Unlike Adam, Eve was a race born among those without a ‘family’, but Eleanor’s family was the daughter of a quite prestigious family that formed a clan group even now, beyond ancient times and the Paro Empire. Is that why?
Alisandra received the blessing of becoming Adam’s mother. So he couldn’t leave it like this.
Thus, Clodas received the throne from his father emperor the following year. His wife, Alisandra, became the Empress and gave birth to their first son.
Indeed, as it was the birth of a noble and great child heralding Adam’s regeneration, the child was surrounded by a white and blue aura on his small body from the time he was a bright red newborn. It was the aura of the superhuman they had only read about in print.
- ianthe
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