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I was possessing a villainess in a book.

But for some reason, every time I turn sixteen, I return to being eight years old. This is now the fourth time I’ve been eight.

After careful reflection, it seems I regress whenever the second male lead dies. But why does he die? The original story hasn’t even begun yet.

Could it be because I haven’t lived according to the original narrative?

So, I decided to follow the original story this time. But what went wrong?

“How did you grow up this way? You were so small and cute when you were younger.”

“You raised me this way.”

“I did?”

When did I? All I remember is tormenting him like a proper villain. I looked up at him with questioning eyes. He pointed to his head with fingers that had prominent knuckles.
“You made me read books.”

Then he gestured to his lips.

“You made me learn magic.”

Next, he motioned to his hands.

“You made me practice swordsmanship.”

And finally, he placed his hand over his heart.

“You taught me things I shouldn’t have known.”

Speaking in a low voice, he took my hand and made me pat his head.

“You’re the one who made me like this, so you shouldn’t say such things now. No matter how big I get, you should keep adoring me, shouldn’t you?”

#ContractMarriage #ChildhoodFriends #MarriageFirstLoveLater #MysteriousChildRearing #DucklingMaleLead #WorldsMostBeautifulFemaleLead #ActingGenius(?)FemaleLead #UnrequitedLoveMaleLead #TwistMaleLead #CluelessFemaleLead

  • Known for turning pages faster than I move in real life. Warning: May suddenly vanish into fictional realms, leaving behind only a vaguely potato-shaped indent on the sofa.